Quick Start with ODataDB

Quick Start with ODataDB

Quick Start on Windows

  1. Download the ODataDB package.
  2. Unzip it to any folder on a local drive.
  3. Run odatadb.exe in the odatadb subfolder.

You have to see the following console app:

ODataDB Console on Windows

If you do not see the console, download and install the Hosting Bundle, which includes the .NET Core Runtime and IIS support, at

When you see the console app, open the URL: http://localhost:5002

You have to see the index page:

ODataDB Samples

You can play with samples. ODataDB loads data from an online SQL Server database.

For example, try the s02_cashbook table:

ODataDB s02.cashbook

Then add a connection string into the appsettings.Production.json file using the mssql connection as a template:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "mssql": {
      "ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient",
      "ConnectionString": "Data Source=mssql.savetodb.com;Initial Catalog=AzureDemo100;User ID=user;Pwd=pass"

You can add a connection string for an SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, DB2, or NuoDB database.

For example, you can add a test connection string:

    "test": {
      "ProviderName": "System.Data.SqlClient",
      "ConnectionString": "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TestDatabase;User ID=user;Pwd=pass"

Close and open the console odatadb.exe app when you add a new connection.

Try to connect to your database.

For example, if you have created the 'test' connection string, open the link like http://localhost:5002/edit/test/

That's all. You have created a working sample.

Now you can install ODataDB under IIS.

Quick Start on Linux

  1. Download the ODataDB package.
  2. Unzip it and copy the odatadb folder to the /var/www folder.
  3. Go to the /var/www/odatadb folder and run: dotnet odatadb.dll

You have to see the following response:

ODataDB Console on Linux

If ODataDB cannot start, install the ASP.NET Core Runtime using instructions at

When you start ODataDB, try to get data using a command like this:

curl http://localhost:5002/v4/mssql-023/cashbook

You have to see data from an online SQL Server database.

That's all for now. Press Ctrl-C to close the app. See how to install ODataDB on Linux.